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標題: [網站] Mark Slagell 寫的 Tutorial: "Ruby User's Guide" 新版 [打印本頁]

作者: weiye    時間: 2006-12-1 02:20     標題: [網站] Mark Slagell 寫的 Tutorial: "Ruby User's Guide" 新版

我有一本 Mark Slagell 寫的 Teach Yourself Ruby in 21 Days ( ISBN:0672322528 ) ,只可惜那本是 2002 年版的,那時候是針對 Ruby 1.6 ,雖然包含的內容蠻多的,可是可能因為出版的早,也沒有提到像是 Ruby on Rails, FXRuby, wxRuby, JRuby ... 這些東西,整本書雖然很大本,也很潛顯易懂,可是就是感覺廢話蠻多的(這麼說好像不太好,應該說......作者非常用心講解,花了很多篇幅),偶然看到作者的網頁上 有提供另外一份他翻譯修飾的 Tutorial: "Ruby User's Guide" ,還蠻言簡意賅的,而且是授權如下,是
Copyright (c) 2005 Mark Slagell
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts.
A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License."

About the guide
This introductory user's guide is mirrored in various places and is available in several translations. The current English language version is kept on If you come across an out-of-date version, please notify the webmaster where the mirror is hosted.

Document history
當然,關於那個文件授權看英文霧砂砂的話,也可以看一下參考 DebianWiki:Copyrights 的中文參考翻譯

回到重點, Ruby User's Guide 有線上觀看版,也有下載版(為避免版本號碼不同,請連過去 Mark Slagell 的網頁 抓囉)。

說了半天,結果這份文件好像也沒有提到 Ruby on Rails, FXRuby, wxRuby, JRuby ... 這些東西,囧.....


另外,還有一本只有 147 頁的免費的小電子書

  Mr. Neighborly's Humble Little Ruby Book by Jeremy McAnally


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