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標題: [.NET] Hobbyist's Review: Visual Basic 2005 Express [打印本頁]

作者: weiye    時間: 2006-11-22 22:46     標題: [.NET] Hobbyist's Review: Visual Basic 2005 Express

"Microsoft is pushing Visual Basic 2005 Express as the best language for hobbyists and novices, and are offering it free of charge from the Microsoft Visual Basic Express website. Since the price is right, and I fall into the hobbyist category, I decided to give it a try. This review is intended for amateur programmers, students and hobbyists who are interested in programming their computers."
在 OSNews 引起一些回應,雖然我覺得是沒蝦咪太多意義的口水文,重點不在 VB 而是在 .Net 平台與語言選擇/差異性。

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